At AutoPilot we update the system regularly to maintain it and ensure that our clients always have the tools necessary to run a healthy business. This has occasioned this blog entry about how we inform you about new updates.
When are new updates released?
Typically, we release new updates four times a year. As a rule, the new releases will feature bigger improvements, design changes, amendments or new functions. Basically, it will be the more important and relevant changes that are communicated to you.
We always work on improving AutoPilot and therefore the system is updated more often than new versions are notified. Our intention is to only announce few, but important releases in order to interrupt you as little as possible.
This means that occasionally there will be a new version that you have not been made aware of by us. However, you will always be able to find comprehensive notes about the newest and earlier versions on Client pages > Release notes.
How do we tell you about new updates?
A bigger update will be announced several places. Firstly, we send a newsletter out to the relevant employees in the company. Who the relevant employees are, was agreed upon at the configuration meeting when you started up AutoPilot. In the newsletter, all the version information will be described together with a link to the blog entry about the newest version.
The other way we inform you about new updates is, as mentioned, through the blog. In the blog entry, all version notes and information will be collected so they are easy to find and understand. By subscribing to AutoPilot’s blog, you will therefore always be notified when there are new versions released.