Jørgen Korsgaard has given another presentation about ”How to run a profitable practice”. The presentation was under the auspices of The Liveable City, which in the last two years have been on tour in the UK. Now the tour had come to Scotland, more specifically Glasgow.
The conference The Liveable City took place on Tuesday 8th November 2016. It was arranged by the Danish embassy and supported by the ‘The Royal Incorporation Of Architects’ in Scotland and ‘Construction Scotland Innovation Centre. Jørgen went to the conference together with Mr Tom Bostock, who is the Managing Director of Reiach and Hall Architects. The two gentlemen each gave their individual suggestions as to “How to run a profitable practice”. Jørgen could confidently talk about this, as AutoPilot’s clients perform markedly better than their non-clients.
The key to success
AutoPilot software has a continuous integration of past and future expenditure. This means that, at any given time, for every project, you can get a forecast of the project’s final financial performance by just doing a revision of the ETC budget of the project (the number of hours needed to complete the project).
In AutoPilot this is staged so that each stage is allocated its share of the fee concurrently with the staged registrations and revisions of the ETC budget. This provides AutoPilot’s clients with an ‘early warning” system which they use to either regulate the scope of work or regulate the fee. With the ‘early warning’ system it is possible to do this in time for each individual project.
In other words, AutoPilot clients have an ‘early warning’ system at their disposition which, as early as possible in the process of the project, provides them with options. The options consist of either negotiating with the developer about the size of the fee and/or a meeting with the project team with a view to regulate the scope of the work.
Preferably a product presentation
Jørgen explains that some of the participants at the conference may have expected that he had done an outright product presentation instead of a conceptual presentation. It was not what he had been asked to do. Anyone interested in a product presentation can contact Jørgen for further agreement on email: jk@autopilot.dk.